Running a donation drive is a great way to serve the community!
The FRC recommends doing drives for a few specific items, like oatmeal and cereal; pantry items; or pasta, sauce, and parmesan cheese. Keeping it simple makes donations easier to remember and collect.
You could collect any of the following items for us:
Non-food drive items:
Birthday boxes (link to our page)
Underwear and socks of all sizes (teen girls prefer cheekies and boy shorts; boys prefer boxer briefs)
- this is the link to our ongoing online underwear drive (feel free to share this link as part of your drive):
Hats and gloves (Deadline: Dec. 1)
School supplies (Deadline: End of July)
Food drive items:
Pasta (dry)
Sauces: red, alfredo, pesto
Parmesan cheese (shelf stable)
Pantry: flour, sugar, corn masa, oil (hot commmodity) -- these aren’t "fun" but would really help
Cereal and oatmeal
Pancake mix and syrup
Feminine products and toiletries
Donation drive guidelines:
An amazing Arizona-based charity, Cultivate Goodness, has guidelines to help you plan a drive.
START HERE. Tell us about yourself/your group and what you would like to collect.
Most people want to help—they just need to be asked. You can send emails, use
flyers, or post to social media. Bring up the drive at meetings and group gatherings. Host a party and ask guests to bring a donated item (this is fun for adults AND service-minded teens!
Pick a central location for people to drop off their items. For office or school drives, make sure you have collection boxes at several locations.
You can also collect items during a holiday party or office gathering. Monetary donations, including gift cards, are also welcome; in many cases, they’re the best option to get the items we need most. Offer to collect funds via Venmo or Zelle to make it easy for others to participate.
Drop off your drive donations at Be the Good: 4385 Begonia Terrace in Colorado Springs. Call or text Heidi (719-244-2451) to arrange a time.
Remember to thank those who donated! Post pictures of your drive successes on social
media and other communications. Don’t forget to tag us on Facebook and Instagram!
Links for IG: FB: