That’s a wrap!

A million thanks to our generous donors for making this Christmas season happen. We helped 33 families, including 141 people! That is nearly double what we accomplished last year. Every gift and every financial contribution mattered this year. There were times when we questioned if the money would really stretch to cover every gift, but it did! Thank you to the shoppers and the gift wrappers, to those who set up tables and rounded up wrapping paper. Thank you to the sewists and crocheters who created beautiful stockings and hats and scarves. Thank you to the volunteers who stuffed stockings and those who helped us pack up the leftovers. Thank you to the friend who loaned a trailer and a van for our first big batch of deliveries, and then showed up to unload them. Thank you to those who made groceries possible for the struggling families receiving gifts on Christmas Eve. Thank you to everyone who reaffirmed my faith in humanity, in community, and in the circle of love that can include us all.

Much love and best wishes for a Merry Christmas,


Thank you for helping us spread hope, cheer and love!

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